This story also reminds him of his lifestyle before the corona pandemic.
“Before corona I did a lot more shows but was less happy. Now, I am so lucky to be in the position of being able to choose what I'm doing. I don't accept every offer anymore, but carefully choose what really interests me. I am more focused on living a balanced life without overworking”, he explains.
Actually, he liked the corona period. Perhaps because he learned a lesson. “I didn’t spend much time with my family because I was afraid to infect them. Therefore, I was much alone in my summer cottage and I loved it. It is terrible to say, but I slept so good at that time. I came from a very stressful schedule: Waking up at 4.00, going to the waiting taxi at 4.30 and then work until 23.00 at night. Also, I stayed in different hotel rooms every night”, he recalls.